Contoh Proposal Studi LPDP 2023 :Komitmen kembali ke Indonesia, rencana pasca studi, dan rencana kontribusi di Indonesia
Kenapa Study Plan/Motivational Letter LPDP Penting?
Banyak yang mengira syarat seperti IELTS, surat rekomendasi bahkan IPK mempunyai penilaian sangat tinggi untuk lolos ke LPDP. Jika itu benar adanya, sangat tidak fair untuk orang-orang yang tidak mempunyai akses modal untuk les bahasa inggris, akses orang yang lebih terkenal untuk mendapatkan surat rekomendasi atau dosen di perguruan tinggi negeri yang terfavorit. Selain itu, syarat IPK juga tidak akan fair bagi orang pintar di kampus top yang lebih susat untuk kuliah dibandingkan IPK di kampus yang biasa saja.
Untungnya LPDP adalah beasiswa yang sangat fair, mereka akan memberikan parameter yang berbeda di setiap kandidat nya. Terus, bagaimana cara LPDP untuk melihat potensi putra putri indonesia dengan fair? yaitu menggunakan Motivation Letter dengan tema Komitmen kembali ke Indonesia, rencana pasca studi, dan rencana kontribusi di Indonesia. Disini, kita diberikan ruang untuk LPDP bercerita dengan latar belakang pekerjaan, kuliah, alasan kuliah hingga realisasi kontribusi ke Indonesia.
Dengan adanya ruang yang jelas ini, orang dari daerah seperti saya, bisa menjelaskan kondisi di daerah, tantangan hingga kontribusi kedepanya atau orang yang tinggal di lingkungan hutan, pulau dan kota. Dibawah ini adalah salah satu contoh Proposal Studi LPDP 2023 :Komitmen kembali ke Indonesia, rencana pasca studi, dan rencana kontribusi di Indonesia dari awardee LPDP tahun 2019. Silahkan untuk diamati dan silahkan untuk didiskukan
My passion toward maternal and children’s health has led me to have my bachelor degree in Midwifery with from University of Airlangga, a pioneer of midwifery program in Indonesia. After bachelor graduate, I attended a year of clinical practice where range from Bidan Praktek Mandiri (Midwifery Private Clinic), Puskesmas (A community local health center) and Hospital that have improved my knowledge and skills.
Currently, I am a part of maternal research team at Soetomo General State Hospital, a top referral hospital for east of Indonesia. We work together with School of Public Health, University of Adelaide to analyze the root causes of maternal death in east java. The goal of this research is not only to know the underlying factors, but also having solutions and programs to overcome this issue. My responsibility is to collecting data, analyzing and having collaboration with related- institutions such as east java department of health, Surabaya department of health, hospitals and other health centers. Not only to learn about the underlying factors contributed to maternal death deeper, but also, expand my communication and leadership skill through working professionally with other institutions and professional healthcare providers.
At the moment, Indonesia has a high maternal mortality rate of 305/100.000 births compared to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development’s Goal of 70/100.000 which is targeted to be reached by 2030. Furthering this problem, Indonesia has a high trend spectrum of 15.3% rate of labor by sectio secaria according to a survey done by RISKESDAS in 2010. Comparing this to WHO 5–15% indicator of sectio secaria throughout the world, this means that this can be an indicator of unnecessary high-risk procedures that increases maternal and neonatal mortality in Indonesia. it seems that women are likely to have many interventions during pregnancy and childbirth while they aren’t in high risk condition.
I believe that one of the reasons behind those issues is lack of information and education for mothers and awareness of maternal-health promotion in Indonesia. Therefore, as a midwife, I would like to be an influencer that focusing on gentle birth practice, innate and instinctive labor. I would like to focus my efforts in moms and midwifes awareness and empowerment programs. So, I have established a Famelia, a social business to empower
moms, her partner and the health provider during the phase of pregnancy and mothering. With a penetration in five-cities in Indonesia at the moment, Famelia is providing a holistic care such as prenatal gentle yoga, hypnobirthing, online class to support the natural birth. Moreover, it would be expanded broader in other regions and having collaboration with other stake holders-health practitioner is going to be my priority. Even though this business just starts growing, it is showing a mom’s satisfying regarding their journey during pregnancy, enthusiasm and having easier child birthing.
To expand Famelia’s influence and service, I need to improve my knowledge focusing on leadership and health standard. This knowledge would help me to set qualifying standard operational procedure (SOP) to expand Famelia business and help more people in this field. Moreover, I could expand the network channel to make an impactful program for mom’s and baby’s health. Gaining a master degree in the UK is engaging for me, since this country has been known as the one of the lowest-maternal mortality rate country in the world, that is 9/100,000 live births in 2015 (World Health Statistic, 2017). This spectacular success could be earned through its comprehensive health system, women as the quality of care- center. These are two taught degree I intend to take:
1. A master degree in maternal and newborn’s healthcare MSc in King’s Collage London
This course is appealing to me since This major is number 2 of Nursing and Midwifery Faculty in the UK and 5th in the World (2018 QS World University Ranking by subject). Not only having Internationally renowned Clinicians, academicians and inter-professional lecturer, but also easiness access to attend seminars and lectures given by leaders in healthcare from around the world. Moreover, it has partnership ranges from NHS (National Health Service) Partners, healthcare Providers to International Partners.
2. University College London, Women’s Health MSc
UCL is known as a one of top 10 in the world according to QS World University Ranking. The UCL Institute for Women’s Health collaborate with UCL (University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust) provides an academic environment in which we can pursue graduates’ studies taught by world-class researchers and clinicians.
Study Plan
According to my preference-universities, here I elaborate the program and the syllabus of the study
1. King’s Collage London
This course is for healthcare professionals who currently work in the field of maternal and newborn healthcare such as nurses, midwives, doctors, physios, etc. accredited by their country’s government and currently active on the corresponding professional register. This is suitable with my background education, career aspiration and goal’s vision to increase the quality of maternal and newborn’s life. Therefore, I am convinced to take the modules:
Core modules:
- Optimizing birth for mothers and their newborns (30 credits)
- Managing Challenges in the newborn period (30 credits)
- Evidence-based decision making (30 credits)
- Dissertation (60 credits)
And the optional modules I will chose are:
- Developing professional leadership (15 credits)
- Measurement & evaluation of Healthcare (15 credits)
2. University College London
To be eligible for this course, the applicant must have the bachelor’s degree in a related scientific or social discipline, or professional health qualification (nurse, midwife, medicine, occupational therapy, psychology, social work etc.) or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard, but professional experience in the field’s woman health is desirable. My midwifery background has allowed me to have an attitude and movement toward women’s health especially during their pregnancy and mothering journey, and here the modules which would extent my both my knowledge and skill.
· The compulsory modules I have to take are:
- Understanding research in woman’s health (15 credits)
- Female Reproductive Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology (15 credits)
- Concepts and Controversies in Woman’s Health (15 credits)
- Legal & Ethical Aspects of Woman’s Health (15 credits)
Optional modules I will chose are:
- Pregnancy & Childbirth (15 credits)
- Gender and Global Health (15 credits)
- Health related behaviors and cognitions (15 credits)
- Reproductive Health (15 credits)
- Dissertation (60 credits)
3. Post-Study Plan
After accomplishing my study, I intend to:
1.Go back to Indonesia and becoming a professional midwife who contributes to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity through my social business, Famelia. As I mentioned above, Famelia is a social business to empower moms and their partner to have rewarding experience of their pregnancy phase that improve the better-quality outcomes. For health care professional, especially for midwifes, they would improve their standard for helping moms and baby in Indonesia by collaborating with Famelia. This business would give and share the high-quality standard to provide excellent service by identifying the problems and the customer perspective.
Famelia would improve a body-mind reformed care during pregnancy that are prenatal yoga, hypnobirthing, holistic care and online class. The program would reduce traumatic and fears for bearing child-birthing and its after-taste. The key point to create this standard is a safe and pleasant labour to encourage women to believe and aware in their body and its capability.
The SOP also would open new services based on customer demand starting to set up an awareness programme such as gentle birth plan journey with professional healthcare, so moms would feel secure. For the next step, it is not only in pregnancy journey but also would be expanded to the period of child birthing, postnatal and the early mothering (1000 first days of life). Moreover, it would be broadened in other regions and having collaboration with other stake holders and institution such as midwives, obstetricians, hospital and private clinics in each region would be our priority. In addition, since we already have great social media penetration, the collaboration with social media influencer or public figure could be considered.
To achieve all of that goals, it definitely needs other healthcare providers teamwork, and having a master degree, either in King’s Collage London or University Collage London, would certainly improve my framework of thinking and networking to establish this forward movement.
2. Establish moms and babies’ clinics that having a high-quality standard of system to provide quality of care. This would ensure moms-and her partner to have rewarding experience during pregnancy, child-birthing and early stage of mothering phase. Furthermore, it would collaborate with other sectors and healthcare professional to be involved. This system could be adopted and implemented for other healthcare centers in Indonesia, yet, still consider the value and culture of Indonesia.
3. Be involved in academic activities such as writing and presenting ideas through academic articles, seminars, journals and symposium. Joining in research activity with regard to maternal and neonatal healthcare services in term of policy-changing with related-institution would be my priority.
Ultimately, I am writing this study proposal to elaborate my intention to help Indonesian moms, her partner and health care providers. I believe, by gaining a master degree in UK, it would improve better services for better quality care of moms and babies.
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