Getting IELTS 7.0 Within 1 Months, Is it possible?

Mirza Idham Saifuddin
8 min readJan 23, 2022


Improving IELTS score 6.0 to 7.0 Within 1 Months, Is it possible?

i have been studied IELTS for 1.5 year and stuck in 6.0 score. After i found competent tutor, i obtained IELTS band 7.0 within 1 months!. how could be possible? My tutor gave perspective to increase IELTS score by maximizing our potency ratherthan our drawback.

Source :

We need to admit that writing and speaking is our main problem especially for Asia Country. This bring us into unexpected score between 5.0–6.0,making our overall score stuck in 6.0–6.5. it can be happened because our educational institution encourage student only to listen and answer the questions especially people who lived in developing area. It affect our skills to understand reading and listening, but not in writing and speaking. If student are living in Erope, UK, America, Australia, they have confident level to speak up and write paper, story or academic jurnal. But, education in most place in Asia, Africa force dont have any program to focus on writing and how to deliver message/communicate with other people.

Therefore, my tutor gave me recommendation based on that situation. It is important to us strengths on reading and listening, while we still consider to increase experience on writing writing and speaking. My overall IELTS score was 7.0 ( 7.5 in listening, 7.0 in reading, 6.5 in writing and 6.0 in speaking) Here some tips for accelerating our IELTS score :

Main Tips

I have lived in UK for 1 year and i found that having IELTS 6.5 looks like having same english profiency with elementary to junior high school in UK. they start to learn english from 2 years old and live in there for approximately 3–10 years. it means they learn english unconsciously and they have more than 10.000 working ours. Hence, we have to increase our working ours in english to obtain pur IELTS score. The more you study english, the more you will get.

The questions is which english material should be prioritize? This tips will focus on accelerating word, sentence, topics and skills which have potency to become task in IELTS Test. There are no alternative sollution without studying.

Reading Tips

Reading is always been our opportunity to contribute biggest number of IELTS Test. For some people, reading in IELTS is talking about understanding the passage and find the right answear for each questions. But, for my tutor, Reading allow you to encourages people to think critically. Do you know, Some of question needs mathematic logic to find the right answer?

Those reading passages are designed by cambridge professor to encourage people capture and understanding some aspect in different fields. It encourage reader to understand, find the right data, and capture the idea of the passage. Some people call reading retention. This can be improved by increasing our

To improve our reading ability, i have some tips :

  1. Read Book that you like it as many as you can (For me, i prefer to read business, child psychology, and educations that suit with my background and interest)
  2. Translate every word/sentences that you dont understand
  3. Read 20–30 book/years
  4. Try to answer IELTS reading task every 2 books read

This tips can improve my wife score starting from 6.0 to 8.0. You can access or download english book from your favorite website.

Listening Tips

Exposing with the english based movie, story or podcast will enhance our capability to capture more vocabularies and intonations. As i mention before, our english proficiency is similiar to Elementary school or junior high school in UK. it means that we needs to find “right” material for level educations. The movie such as avenger, blackpanter, mission impossible seems to help every candidate to improve listerning ability. the news like BBC usually becomes mandatory english supplement.

But, in fact, those movies could make everyone confuse with informal structure which speaking speed is to fast, and some of actors use informal/slang to communicate with other partner. Therefore, we hardly capture some vocabularies, intonations and sentences which waste our time to learn listening.

Meanwhile, animation company such as Pixar, Disney adjust their movie to their main audience, Children. So, those movie suit with our skills which is elementary to junior high schools levels.

To learn from those movie, Firstly, we can use english subtitle to help and understand what they said and observe their intonations. Download as many as you can or pay premium apps such Disney Hotstar, Netflix and Amazon movie to get unlimited animation movie access.

This listening learning process would take 2–3 weeks to have sense of listening, depending on the number movie you watch. I took average 3 movies each day. Use your time to watch those movie and dont ever start to do listening IELTS test. Remember, our job is to increase sensitivity to hear what characters said.

Secondly, we try to perform some test regarding basic listening. The book “The IELTS Test Beijing Language and Culture University Press New Edition” encourage us to be familiar with UK/american facility such as train station or airport. This book focus on the finding the ticket number, train number and booking number for each transportation. it will enhance listening skills regarding spelling. I cant find any book which desbribe the real situation in station or airport. I know, for some people this book is unconvincing based on its cover and published date. But, trust me, it can accelerate us to understand the real situation in UK such as train station.

King Cross London

2 step upgrading listening capability is enough for me to increase my listening score from 6.0 to 7.5 within 1 month. Maybe, some people will needs more/less time. It depends on our starting point in listening. But overall, i enjoyed listening learn process, resulting good listening Score.

Writing Tips

Have you reliaze that some of writing task 1 & 2 in cambridge example is quite simple and those has high score? why is it possible?

Some of us experienced scrolling and browsing websites and tried to copy the pattern. But, the result was dissapointing, was it? the knowledge gap between the writer and us is far enough. The writer have been used writing for decade, while we just a newbie who expect high writing score in short term. It mean that the writing example in cambridge IELTS seems simple because it is written by professional. Hence, we have to understand how it works. My tutor share 2 different strategies for each writing task.

Writing Task 1 :
in this section, each candidate should write data served by IELTS. Our responsibility to create story based on data without any asumtions. it mean the data is served based on fact. Cambridge want every candidate who study in university

  1. Highligh the main data
  2. Desbribe some fact supporting main data
  3. Highligh the opposite data

Writing Task 2 :
Task 2 focus on build simple story with the question. i will not share the type of task 2 question. You can find a lot of example on internet. But, the important thing in Task 2 is about your position. You have to build possible idea with your position. The more you read article, book or other resources the more idea you have. So, basically, it depends on how many material do you have. But, dont worry, you can use your personal experiences/background eventhough the topic is not 100% suit with your background.

For Example : Nowadays, experience is more valued in the workplace than knowledge in many countries.

Do you think the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

How i can answear it?

  1. As a entrepreneur, i prefer to answear this question with my personal experiences. So, i will explain why experiences is more value in business owner perspective, then knowledge regarding business.
  2. For Experiences Advantages
    a. business owner will not spend money to give training for the employee. b. the employee have instict to make decicion in some business situation.
    c. Experienced person can lead team who understand the whole concept.
  3. For Experiences Disadvantages
    a. Hire experienced person more expensive.
    b. Some experiences are not relevant with the business needs

the idea was simple, but the point how you can create good story right? if you see some example on internet, the writing task 2 answear are simple. The important things is about how you can make good story everytime you write.

Speaking Tips

I had average speaking score at 5.0–5.5 in 2015 since my english was not my mother tongue. It was quite challanging while you have limited information to find right material for speaking. i used to find 1 question in internet, and record my answear in my smartphone until i find the best answear that i get. my first practice needs 50 records for 1 question, is that tough right? the more practice, the less i record until 1 question is only needs 3–5. So, here the tips

  1. Find the question (section 2 or 3 is better). Dont focus on short answear, try to record 1 minute
  2. practice everydays, and hear the record everytime you finish it.
  3. Try until you capable how to speak.

Moreover, speaking is about experiencing to speak with other people. it means the more you speak with foreign person, the more capable youre. i think that improving speaking now easier than in 2017. You can download some apps to talk with foreign person. You can easily random meet person and talk with them. I was paid person in course to talk with me, it was good option in that time. So, lets more practice and try to be brave.

Chevening Tips :
How to Write Chevening Essays
Tips Menulis Essay Beasiswa Chevening

How to Get LoA:
Personal Statement to Glasgow University, UK
Manchester Business School LoA
Motivational Letter to Peking University, China

Other Scholarship Tips:
3 steps to get Scholarship
Australia Award Scholarship
LPDP Scholarships

IELTS 7.0 within 1 Month



Mirza Idham Saifuddin

CEO of Kreasi Management | Managing Director Vocational School & Islamic Boarding School | Education Consultant