How to get Letter of Acceptace (LoA) from Alliance Manchester Business School

Mirza Idham Saifuddin
4 min readJun 25, 2023


in 2017, I was accepted in MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Alliance Manchester Business School. In their applications, we have to prepare some documents such as IELTS, recommendation letters, CV, Bachelor Certificate and Transcript. But, there is something interesting from each application in UK, they ask for Personal Statement or Motivational letter which allow us share our experience. The university will make Personal Statement or Motivational letter as index to give Letter of Acceptace (LoA). Here my Personal Statement or Motivational letter

Personal Statement

I have always been passionate about entrepreneurship and business development, this passion had led me to earn a bachelor’s degree in business management from top university in Indonesia, the Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) with GPA 3.50 out of 4.0. One of my ventures was becoming the co-founder of Kreasi Indonesia, software developer company. I developed the company and oversaw the growth of the company from only two co-founders to nine staff members. I also founded other businesses, some of them had failed. However, others are active and profitable, such as my frozen food business, namely Wami Food ( During my journey, I learned how to develop business, create product market fit and build a network.

I joined entrepreneurship organizations like Young Indonesia Entrepreneur community, called “Hipmi”, and Superior Business Management Unity (SUBMIT). I was a leader of SUBMIT. This organization goal was supporting university students to develop their own businesses. As a former leader of SUBMIT, my job descriptions were organizing people, conducting seminars, and building a network around young entrepreneurs. Furthermore, I often invited experts to coach student about business strategy and operation.

I have experience to assist Small Medium Enterprises (SME) as a business consultant in City of Tuban. My colleagues and I assisted the locals to develop an innovative product named “Raja Legen”, which is a product made from the sap of Siwalan (Borassus flabellife) trees. The product was then distributed in several major supermarkets in Indonesia, namely Carrefour Indonesia and Giant. Afterwards, we brought this project to a national competition named Danone Young Social Entrepreneur that we secured the 4th prize of the competition. Then, we collaborated with Danone to develop that place. Furthermore, Karya Salemba Empat (KSE), a national social organization that focused on leadership and entrepreneurship development, gave me a scholarship for my undergraduate because my contribution for supporting SME development.

Today, Indonesia has only approximately 1.65% entrepreneurs which is still below the government minimum target of 2%. Increasing number of entrepreneurs could improve the overall economy of the country. With that mind, my plan would be to return to my home country and establish another business firm. This time, I plan to focus on the development of products that are based on agricultural resources. I think it would take around 2–3 years to ensure that my business can run well. In the long term, I would like to participate in government programs that are designed to aid the development of SME.

Furthermore, I want to develop Chony Zamany, my family’s non-profit organization that is located in the countryside of Nganjuk. This organization manage a vocational school with more than 100 students and provide non-formal education for local people. I want to develop this organization further by establishing sub-business unit for this organization business and allow the students to do a part time job. The student could gain work experience and income, while the organization could gain additional revenue to finance its operating activities. Furthermore. I also aspire to establish an agreement with several companies so that these students would be able to earn appropriate jobs after they are graduated. I believe by pursuing the master degree, it will be able enriched me with skills that useful to overcome the challenges when realizing my goals.

Manchester University is appealing to me as it has triple accreditation, and ranked in the top elite of business schools in the world. I plan to take an MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship because I found that most of the courses are really suit my needs to develop my venture to the next level, especially courses that teach about business innovation, finance and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, a learning method that involves case studies and group work scould improve personal communication skills, team-working and presentation. I hope to gain insights from lecturers, fellow peers and even the dynamic ecosystem of The University of Manchester. Besides, I believe that my background and experiences will be an added value to contribute in developing inclusive and innovative environment at the class and the campus itself. Thus, by taking the 12-month MSc Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, I will receive valuable knowledge and experience that crucial for achieving my goals to become an excellent entrepreneur.

Chevening Tips :
How to Write Chevening Essays
Tips Menulis Essay Beasiswa Chevening

How to Get LoA:
Personal Statement to Glasgow University, UK
Manchester Business School LoA
Motivational Letter to Peking University, China

Other Scholarship Tips:
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Mirza Idham Saifuddin

CEO of Kreasi Management | Managing Director Vocational School & Islamic Boarding School | Education Consultant